NOC letter for employee | NOC letter | Sample Download

NOC letter for employee | NOC letter | Sample Download

NOC Letter For Employee | Sample Download

In the professional world, a No Objection Certificate (NOC) | NOC letter for employee is a very important document that serves various purposes, particularly when an employee needs to transition from one role to another or requires confirmation of their employment status.

What is an NOC Letter?

A No Objection Certificate (NOC) is a formal document issued by an employer, stating that they have no objection to the employee undertaking a specific action or transition. This could be for purposes such as applying for a visa, pursuing further education, or seeking employment elsewhere. The NOC letter confirms that the employee is in good standing and that the current employer does not object to the employee’s request.

Why is an NOC Letter Important?

  1. Visa Applications: When applying for a visa, especially for work or study purposes, an NOC is often required to demonstrate that the current employer supports the employee’s decision to travel or relocate.
  2. Employment Transition: An NOC is crucial when an employee is moving to a new job, as it verifies their employment history and assures the new employer that there are no outstanding issues with the previous employer.
  3. Educational Pursuits: Employees seeking to enroll in educational programs or training may need an NOC to show that their current employer supports their educational endeavors.
  4. Professional Certifications: Some professional certifications or licenses may require an NOC to confirm that the applicant’s current employment status is valid and acknowledged by their employer.

How to Draft an NOC Letter

  1. Start with a Formal Salutation: Address the letter to the relevant authority or institution.
  2. State the Purpose Clearly: Explain the reason for issuing the NOC and specify what the employee intends to do.
  3. Include Employee Details: Provide details such as the employee’s name, position, and employment duration.
  4. Express No Objection: Clearly state that the company has no objection to the employee’s request or action.
  5. Add Contact Information: Include contact details for further verification if needed.
  6. End with a Formal Closing: Use a professional closing and include the signatory’s name, position, and company stamp if applicable.

Sample NOC Letters

Sample 1: NOC for Visa Application | noc letter for employee

————————– [Company Letterhead] ————————–

Date: 01 January 2024

To Whom It May Concern,

This is to certify that Mr. Rakib Sarowar, holding the position of Manager – CSR with Compliance Bangladesh Company Ltd., has been employed with us since 01 January 2020. We have no objection to Mr. Rakib Sarowar applying for a Tourist [Type of Visa] visa for travel [Purpose of Travel/Study].

Mr. Rakib is in good standing with our company, and we fully support his application.

Please feel free to contact us at Compliance Bangladesh Company Ltd. [Company’s Contact Information] for any further information.



  1. Anisul Islam [Name of Signatory]
    GM – HR [Position]
    Compliance Bangladesh Company Ltd. [Company Name]
    [Company Seal, if applicable]

Sample 2: NOC for Employment Transition | noc letter for employee


————————– [Company Letterhead] ————————–

Date: 01 January 2024

To Whom It May Concern

We, [Company Name], hereby issue this No Objection Certificate for Mr. [Employee’s Full Name], who has been employed with us as a [Employee’s Position] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Mr. [Employee’s Last Name] is leaving our company on [Last Working Day] to pursue a new employment opportunity.

We have no objection to his transition to [New Employer/Position] and confirm that he has completed all his duties and responsibilities during his tenure with us.

For further queries, please contact us at [Company’s Contact Information].

Best regards,


[Name of Signatory]
[Company Name]
[Company Seal, if applicable]

An NOC letter is a vital document in various professional scenarios. By understanding its purpose and following the guidelines for drafting one, you can ensure that you provide a clear and effective certificate. Use the samples provided as a template to create your own NOC letters tailored to your specific needs.

Feel free to customize these samples to better fit your specific situation or company policies!

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About The Author

Rakib Sarowar

Rakib Sarowar is the founder and lead author of the Compliance Bangladesh. His passion for helping people in all aspectes of Compliance Related Issues. He is very keen to learn new things, especially Technology. In addition to write for CB, Rakib also engage as a Central Manager- Compiance & Industrial Safety in a multinational RMG complany.

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