Tips: ১। তদন্ত দলে পিসি, সেইফটি কমিটির সদস্য রাখবেন।
নিম্ন বাটনে ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করে নিন।
Posted by Rakib Sarowar | May 26, 2022 | OHS | 2 |
Rakib Sarowar is the founder and lead author of the Compliance Bangladesh. His passion for helping people in all aspectes of Compliance Related Issues. He is very keen to learn new things, especially Technology. In addition to write for CB, Rakib also engage as a Central Manager- Compiance & Industrial Safety in a multinational RMG complany.
This is absolutely useful & helpful site. I would like to request you to develop all safety management (SMS) policies as per Nirapon / RSC Guideline.
Dear @Nurul_Hoque,
Thank you so much for your appreciation.
I still have not found any policy in which the Nirapon- 90 days monitoring system gives good feedback.
If my developed policy they accept and has no negative feedback, I will share with you all, InshaAllah.