

Sedex Audit Checklist | Smeta Audit | PDF Download

For better audit preparation, facility must cover all requirements of the audit, Let’s download sedex audit checklist.

Category of Auditor | What is 1st, 2nd & 3rd Party Auditor?
CATEGORY OF AUDITOR | WHAT IS 1ST, 2ND & 3RD PATY AUDITOR?An audit or auditor has a few categories which depend on their nature, institution and relationship. There are 3 types of audit or auditor category; 1st party audit, 2nd party audit and 3rd party audit....
Sequence of Sedex Audit | Initial, Follow up & Desktop audit

Want to learn about sedex audit sequence. There are Initial, Followup & Desktop audit. let’s learn about this.

Sedex audit | Frequency of Audits। Post No- 5 |

Sedex audit | Frequency of Audits। Post No- 5 |

Sedex audit | Frequency of AuditHow ofter a factory, site or facility should undertake social audits isn't determined by Sedex. Audit Cycles depended on facility's risk category.Buyer recommend following the below approach to audit frequency: ●  High risk – annual...

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