MR Letter for Internal Auditorনিম্ন বাটনে ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করে নিন।
MR Letter for Internal Auditorনিম্ন বাটনে ক্লিক করে ডাউনলোড করে নিন।
OFFICE ORDER Date: January 02, 2022 To, Md. Salam Khan Manager - Sustainability ComplianceBangladesh Subject: Management Representative for the implementation of Environmental & Chemical related issues. We are pleased to appoint Mr. Salam Khan, Manager...
OFFICE ORDER Date: January 02, 2022 To, Md. Asad Hossain Manager (Compliance) Subject: Management Representative for the implementation of Health & Safety issues. We are pleased to appoint Md. Asad Hossain, Manager (Compliance) as a...
MR Letter - কারখানার মালিক কর্তৃক ইসু হবে। OFFICE ORDER Date: January 02, 2022 To, Kamal Hossain Asst. General Manager (HR & Admin) Subject: Responsible person for updating laws, Regulations, legal rights & duties. We are...
MR Letter - কারখানার মালিক কর্তৃক ইসু হবে। OFFICE ORDER Date: January 02, 2022 To, Abul Kalam General Manager - Compliance Subject: Senior Management Representative for the implementation of BSCI. We are pleased to appoint Abul Kalam,...
Amfori BSCI Audit Checklist - 2022 Performance Area -01 Auditee’s business license. Job descriptions (particularly of those positions directly related to the implementation of amfori BSCI Code of Conduct). Production capacity planning documentary evidence. Records on...